Saturday, March 2, 2019

Why I am vegan

Why I am a vegan

I love animals much because I grew up among them and they taught me how to love unconditionally. I had, in fact, no toys but baby animals, my forever  soul mates in my boyhood.  I feel how they delight me also and how they respond to my little caring and compassion for them and bless me with subtle great connection.

Animals are just formed differently from us. They are just human friends and good helpers but not food.  Animals deserve happiness just like as humans do. 

That is why I do not eat them, instead, love them. That is why my conscience always  is against any animal slaughtering. That is why my food choice is not meat, but vegetables.  That is why I am a vegan.

Unfortunately, the reasons why I am a vegan are not fully recognized by today's rational sciences, but easily captured by the irrationality of mathematics, fortunately.  

Luvsandorj Tsogdov

professor of mathematics education

March 3, 2019

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Irrationalism as a philosophy of mathematics

Irrationalism as a philosophy of mathematics
Irrationality is everywhere in mathematics. Mathematics is everywhere in irrationality. Therefore, irrationality is mathematical rather than metaphysical. Mathematics is irrational rather than rational. It is the premise of my long term consideration towards both philosophical questions in mathematics and mathematical ones in philosophy which also enables me to posit irrationalism as a philosophy of mathematics. This article is thus designated to reconsider complicated concepts such as zero, infinity, absoluteness, pureness, universality, abstractness, irrationality, existence, contradiction, completeness, emptiness and spirituality in mathematics and its philosophy in the light of irrationalism, and then to share with professional community a proposition that mathematics truths are discovered rather than invented; the nature of mathematics is holistically captured rather than only mentally recognized. 

April 6 2016

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Theory and Methodology of Tuning peoples with Music

     “Theory and Methodology of Tuning with Music”
      By J. Bayrsaikhan College of Music and Dance

Supervisors:  L.Erdenechimeg, professor of Music Studies
                                 Ts. Luvsandorj, professor of Mathematics Education

 A dissertation thesis is expressed by a proposition that the essential substances of a man and music are recognized as vibrations or waves and, thus, a man is tuned with music.
The thesis is broken down into a research problem and hypothesis stated as below:       
             A research problem is whether a theory can be built so that it can function as a theoretical and methodological foundation to tune peoples with music.
            Hypothesis 1: A theory to explain the phenomena of being tuned and tuning,  and  music learning and teaching; and also to function a theoretical and methodological foundation to tune peoples with music can be built through ways to reconsider and recognize the qualitative attributes of sound and root attributes of a man.
    Hypothesis 2:  The root attributes of both man and music tend to be waves, thus,                              a man is more likely to be tuned with music.
    In order to examine the hypotheses, and to seek a solution to the research problem, the following research methods and techniques are favored to be employed in this research:
 -Holistic approach which is used as philosophical orientation and general guideline
- Case and meta-analyses which are applied to collect primary and secondary data and evidence
-Systematic approach, dialectic logics, induction and intuition which are used to ways and rules and instruments to reason, argue, contemplate, sense and think.
-Research techniques such as to build a theory and to make interpretations which are used specific ways to generate ways and ideas to deal with research problems and hypotheses.
   Taken into account the specific nature and features of this study, three kinds of the cases were selected to be examined by case analysis:
            Case1:  My own experiences, data and evidence having gathered and observed for about 40 years in teaching and learning music,
            Case 2: 50 students of the College of Music and Dance and data and evidence associated with about 31500 teaching hours,
            Case 3: 10 well-known masters in music history and data and evidence associated with their teaching and learning real experiences, thoughts and ideas remained in documents such as books, memories and letters.
In addition, the following sources were being reviewed and analyzed by the meta-analysis:
-Books and other related documents focusing on world history of science, technology and thoughts containing archeological and anthropological evidence and artifacts,
-Famous references such Surangama Sutra, Bible and Koran,
-Thoughts, ideas, speeches and experiences of propound masters and composers in music who are highly likely to sense and to experience the real essence of music and its nature.
The findings of this study are twofold:
1.      Khug theory of music
2.       Methodology to tune peoples with a violin.
A khug theory of music, a fifth theory among appeared ones in the history of music is, in essence, recognized as a musical system to explain the nature of music and musical phenomena with main terms, such as khug and timbers that bear, in turn, only qualitative attributes of sounds associated with three dimensions on man.  Etymologically speaking,   khug, a basic term of khug theory of music is rooted from a Mongolian word, khugjim, meaning a path of sound or sound road.
A khug theory of music is potentially built to be able to function philosophical and didactical systems in music and music education.  To do so, we have sought and found consistent arguments in the light of a khug theory of music which underlie reasonable answers to the fundamental questions and problems of the philosophy of music and its didactics as well.  In the end, we have come to the conclusion that a khug theory of music functions as a philosophy of music and music education and then a didactic theory in teaching and learning music.
Using a khug theory of music as a didactical framework, as a philosophical orientation of music education, a methodology to tune peoples with a violin was developed.  The essence of the methodology to tune peoples with a violin was explained as such.  It is pictured as a system composed of five principles and five stages of tuning named as follows:
Principle 1:  To be physically healthy
Principle 2:  To be mentally wise
Principle 3:  To be spiritually pure[1]
Principle 4:   To be curious
Principle 5:   To be dedicated 
Tuning stage 1:  Body adjustment (without a violin)
Tuning stage 2:  Whole body adjusted with a violin
Tuning stage 3:   Sensing khug and tone color
Tuning stage 4:   Making sounds with khug and tones
Tuning stage 5:   To be tuned and tune with music

Thus, it is summarized that there is a khug theory built which can function as a theoretical foundation to tune peoples with music.  Thus, the first hypothesis was proved, but not rejected.  Moreover, there is a methodology developed which can be used a methodology or a way to tune people with music.  Overall, it can be concluded that peoples are more likely to be tuned with music as long as a khug theory is used as a theoretical foundation and the methodology to tune peoples with a violin is applied as a methodology.
This research is theoretically and practically significant. The theoretical significance of the research is that a khug theory constructed as a result can bring a new insight into reconsidering fields related to music development such as music theory, philosophy of music, and music education and teaching and learning music.  Moreover, the appropriate application of the khug theory into education policy of music should be considerable. This consideration can be to some extent regarded as possible its practical significance.
Keywords: khug[2], timber, theory of music, a philosophy of music, didactics of music and music education, khug theory of music, tuning peoples with music

[1] Explanation:  This principle is originally said as “setgel tungalag baik’ in a dissertation written in Mongolian context.  In English, it can be favored to be translated as ‘to be spiritually pure”. However, it is acknowledged that there have been long term debates among scholars whether a Mongolian word, ‘setgel’ is equivalent to an English term, spirit.
[2] Khug, a basic term of a khug theory of music is rooted from a Mongolian word, khugjim, meaning a path of sound or sound road. In a dissertation, a term, khug is defined by the qualitative and holistic essence of sound associated with three dimensions on man. Thus, the meaning of this word is broader, at the same time, deeper than that of physical or mechanical vibrations or waves.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

get keys to get scholarships

You can get key information to get scholarships from a presentation to get through the following sites:

Where there is a will there is a way.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Теорема Штейнера-Лемуса как приложение теоремы синусов

Теорема Штейнера-Лемуса как приложение теоремы синусов

Теорема Штейнера-Лемуса формулируется следующим образом:
Доказать что если в треугольнике две биссектрисы равны, то этот триугольник равнобедренный.

Доказательство: Пусть в треугольнике АВС равны биссектрисы АА1 и СС1а О– точка пересечения его биссектриссы. Обозначим через A1, B1, C1-основания  биссектрисАА1BB1 и СС1соответственно (Рис.1)Тогда,  используя свойсва внешнего углы трeугольники для ACC1и AA1C, получаем =2+β=+2β.  

Рис. 1

Friday, June 28, 2013

a resource pack on curriculum development

 Resource pack on curriculum development

This is a reference resource pack for curriculum designing and development that is worth reviewing to explore diverse cases in many countries including Mongolia, hosted by UNESCO International Bureau. 

 Enjoy the curriculum development cases particularly designing, restructuring, and piloting in diverse contexts packed in the following website.

Dated on 28 June 2013

Offered by Luvsandorj

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

A road to a theory

A road to a theory

Learning and teaching are considered as key mental characteristics of human beings whereby we are distinguished from other existing species in the world.  In fact, we, humans live to learn; and/or learn to live always from a moment to a moment.  Thus, learning is substantial for us. However, we humans are being challenged by such questions:  what is learning; what happens as it occurs.

Those questions have been so far standing without right answers albeit endless efforts and attempts to recognize them have been made by many scholars.  In fact, it is common that the majority of the efforts end up with only theories on them.  So far, we have been burdened enough by numerous learning theories. Those are well introduced to us in the following webpage

At the same time, it is importantly emphasized that there are a great deal of potentiality and possibilities for everyone being engaged in learning and teaching to create an own theory of learning and teaching through tracing a road suggested below:

-review possible existing theories of learning and teaching and examine their strengths and weakness

-write a critique carefully on each of them

 -generate a thesis (original idea) while keeping in mind the findings of all critiques

- conceptualize own thesis and systematize related and implicated ideas and principles to generated thesis (a model)

- filter or refine it through peer assessments and discussions

-seek approval and acceptance from academic communities in own area

- diffuse the suggested theory in order to improve its capabilities to explain the nature of learning and teaching


It is strongly believed that the suggested road to reach a theory will increase your chance to generate own theory on learning and teaching and more importantly inspire you that you have the same capabilities as all theory owners have had.

Any successes are nothing other than the results of dedicated effort. Similarly, a learning theory is nothing other than the results of careful tracing the suggested road.



associate professor
2 May 2013